July 13: A Day That Changed America 

We narrowly avoided a drastically different future for our country. 
Just one inch separated us from potential chaos and widespread conflict in our streets. The events on Saturday, July 13th shocked the world when a would-be assassin fired eight rounds towards the podium at a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, narrowly missing former President Donald J. Trump's head but tragically taking the life of a former firefighter and injuring two others. 

Many Americans, myself included, watched in disbelief as we witnessed the attempted assassination of a former president resulting in injury, something unseen since the 1981 assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. Amidst the turmoil, many attribute Trump's survival to divine intervention. It was 6:11 PM when Trump was shot. Many see this as a reference to Ephesians 6:11: 

Put on the full armor of God,  so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes,
— Ephesians 6:11

 As the news from the rally unfolded, speculation ran rampant online. Some speculated it was an inside job within the Secret Service, others blamed incompetence, while some even alleged involvement of the Deep State.  What is clear is that our nation is deeply divided. Political polarization has fueled violence, predominantly from the Left. The media's constant portrayal of Republicans as "Nazis," "Fascists," and "Racists" has deeply influenced public perception. Similarly, claims from Democrats and moderate Republicans that Trump threatens democracy and is seeking dictatorship have exacerbated these tensions over the years.  This political environment has led to destructive acts such as the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020, the attempt on Congressman Steve Scalise's life in 2018, the January 6 arrests, and now the attempted assassination of former President Trump. 

The rhetoric from the Left has extended to encompass Trump supporters and anyone on the Right. This has resulted in persecution of Christians within corporations and government institutions, and attacks on churches by anti-Christian activists. Additionally, it has fostered a cancel culture that targets both Christian and non-Christians who hold conservative political views. States like California have also weaponized their laws to prosecute parents with traditional beliefs about gender and sexuality who oppose transgender treatment for their minors. 
We find ourselves in a tumultuous period of American history.  
And despite facing assassination attempts, legal battles, smears, and propaganda, Trump, during a recent RNC speech, called for unity and expressed gratitude for the support shown that fateful evening in Pennsylvania and showed gratitude especially to God.  
"I had God on my side," Trump declared. "For the rest of my life, I will be grateful for the love shown by that giant audience of patriots that stood bravely on that fateful evening in Pennsylvania," he continued. 
Trump outlined a vision for the nation, extending a hand of loyalty and friendship to citizens of all backgrounds. He emphasized that together, Americans can lead the country to unprecedented heights of greatness. 
"We will very quickly make America great again!" Trump said while concluding his RNC speech.  
Amidst these challenging times, it's crucial for Christians to hold on to their faith. Remember, no matter what Man's world does to you, your ultimate reward lies in Heaven. 

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
— Matthew 5:10

President Trump's Message to the People as He Was Hit


Security Failures at Rally Place Secret Service in the Crosshairs of Agency Scrutiny