Looking at VP Candidate Values 

The selection of vice-presidential candidates is a critical moment for determining the course for moral and spiritual values in the upcoming November elections. The choice of a vice president not only affirms key party values, but also is a complimentary reflection of the policies, goals and political ambitions of those who seek to be the next president of the United States. It came as no surprise that candidate Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate since he was considered by many to be the most ultra-left progressive individual that was available. Walz embodies every radical socialist ideal that has followed Harris’s political career as a former California District Attorney and Attorney General and current US Vice President. Walz is a mirror of the godless antichrist policies supported by Harris from the murder of the unborn, to LGBTQ propaganda, to child mutilation for gender transitioning. 

Walz’s statements, which criticized the active reform initiatives of those who represent Biblical values, went viral on social media: “These are weird people on the other side, they want to take books away, they want to be in your exam room, that’s what it comes down to. Don’t get sugarcoating this, these are weird ideas.”1 Walz was targeting those of us who are committed to removing sexually explicit books from public school libraries (“they want to take books away”) and who oppose abortion (“they want to be in your exam room”). Walz clearly supports socialist ideologies as he casually referenced it within terms of his own progressive values on the “White Dudes for Harris” virtual call: “Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” While Walz couches socialism as a friendly utopian concept, the reality is that this form of government is a dangerous threat to our constitutional republic and our individual liberties. For socialism to work, the tyranny of big government must promote its goal in building a total welfare state where “you will own nothing but be happy.”2 Of course, socialism is the entry ramp to full blown Communism and Walz only has glowing remarks to offer on oppressive Communist regimes such as China: “They gave me more gifts than I could bring home. It was an excellent experience.” This remark was made in the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, when the Chinese Communist Party military crushed student protestors by rolling tanks over them. 

Walz’s disastrous experiments in socialism are even more obvious in his own state of Minnesota, where he has been serving as governor since 2019. During COVID-19, he supported draconian lockdowns and mandates, in addition to massive public closures, while BLM and Antifa burned and looted cities. Walz insisted on defunding the police and would not deploy the National Guard to Minneapolis until after hundreds of buildings were destroyed, resulting in over $500 million in damages. Not only did Walz’s liberal policies run amok during the pandemic, but also more recently in the school systems. Just last year, the governor’s promotion of gender inclusive legislation extended to public schools to “provide menstrual products” in both boys and girls restrooms including pads and tampons to students in 4th through 12th grades. The bill’s inclusive language reflected: “not all people who menstruate are women.”3 

Clearly Walz is not the ballot choice in November for those who want to exercise Biblical values when going to the polls. VP candidate JD Vance, so far, appears to be more in line with a Biblical world view and the constitutional values of our republic than Walz. Some highlights of the Ohio Senator are as follows: 

  • A pro-life supporter 

  • Criminalizing so called “gender affirming care” for transgender children 

  • Ban on federal masking mandates 

  • Crack-down on affirmative action policies at colleges and universities 

  • Opposition to funding proxy wars such as in Ukraine 

  • Tough on immigration policies, national security, and the building of border walls 

It is important to add that believers should vote for candidates who are more in line with Biblical, spiritual, and moral values, and not vote for them based merely on party endorsement. This applies not only to national presidential elections, but to local elections as well. The choices that we make are not merely political – they are spiritual. Choose wisely. 


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