Pride Month: Why It’s Okay We Sat This One Out.

There is an overwhelming pressure on Believers today to be tolerant and accepting of other people’s “truths” or beliefs in the name of “loving your neighbor.”

They scream, “Why can’t you just accept that love is love?! Why do you have to be so bigoted or narrow-minded?!” while at the same time forcing Pride parades and rainbows and “kid-friendly” drag shows in cities across the nation.

There has been a dramatic shift in our nation over the past few decades, where we have gone from just tolerating to accepting to now CELEBRATING and participating in sin.

“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or set foot on the path of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers.” - PSALM 1:1

This is what happens when we walk in the counsel of the wicked—we set foot on the path of sinners by tolerating and accepting evil agendas, and then, before we know it, we are sitting with mockers as we celebrate sin and mock those that still stand against it. It is a slow progression of compromise and deception.

The LGBT agenda has never just been about letting people celebrate and accept their idea of love. There is something much darker going on underneath the surface. Hear our heart—we LOVE those who are struggling with this temptation. They have a place at the Father’s table just as much as anyone else, and we pray that they would awaken to that reality and start walking in their true identity as a son or a daughter of the One who created them.

However, there has been an intentional agenda aimed to cause confusion about the identities of the children of our nation. There has been an attack through specific indoctrination that is being taught at all levels of our schools—starting with our youngest and most vulnerable in the elementary schools. It is then being enforced all the way through the universities. This agenda is intended to place doubt into the very core of who their Creator made them to be, which causes them to reject their identity as a child of God—perfectly formed in their mother’s womb.

They are taught that they can be whoever they feel like being. This is called Critical Theory. Critical Theory is the thought process that leads to the dangerous mindset that “My feelings are my truth.”

We also see a progression of the agenda coming down the pipe. Today’s tolerance and acceptance of the LGBT and trans movement make way for tomorrow’s forced tolerance and celebration of the pedophilia movement. We are already hearing whispers of acceptance of this demonic agenda in society. Don’t believe us? Just look at their statement—“Love is love.” Who are you to say that a 50-year-old man can’t be in love with a 9-year-old little girl? Love is love, after all.

So do you see what’s at stake? Do you see the strategy of the enemy? If we don’t get LOUD about refusing to accept these agendas now—our legacy and inheritance will be lost! We need to stand up and fight for the future of our children before we get past the point of no return. Let us be a people who hold the line and choose to fight for this next generation—no matter what it cost us. Your children will ask you someday if you stood and fought for them—what will your response be?


Surviving The American University