Election Integrity - The Key Concept of a Witness

What’s the matter with online voting? Why are mail-in ballots such a big deal? Plenty of democrats and less-informed people ask this question every election. The answer is simple:

You eliminate the possibility of witnessing.

The facts of every case must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
— 2 Corinthians 13:1

This law, to ensure defendants had a fair trial, later became a theological law to only ratify truths coming from multiple sources. Jesus - and even the religious leaders of the day - understood the importance of “bearing witness.” They talked about it all the time. God Himself bore witness of Jesus:

And behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.
— Matthew 3:17
I am one witness, and my Father who sent me is the other.
— John 8:18

Why did God establish it that way? Why is “witness” important?

  1. We always believe what we see

  2. It’s nearly impossible to refute eye-witness testimony

Think about it. Observation is considered the highest degree of fact in science - somebody witnessing an event or scientific thing. A court case is all hearsay until a witness tells the court what they saw. The highest validity is always attributed to the witness's testimony. It’s then not hard to question 2-3 layers deep to discern if they tell the truth, or if the story unravels revealing lies. But you need a witness on the stand to confirm or debunk the story.

Let’s apply this to voting and election fraud. First of all, election fraud does happen. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or a propagandist. It’s happened for all of history. The question is not “if” it happens but how to minimize it because it always happens.

How many suitcases of deceased person’s votes made it through the elections based on “mailed-in” ballots? How many districts had more votes than actual people living in the 2020 election? A record number of people voted “Right,” yet still “the Left” won. The fate of the world rests upon whoever controls a $30 trillion empire known as America, and we are supposed to believe there isn’t every foreign government agency imaginable trying to hack Dominion voting machines to alter the vote balance?

No, the “vote” must be in person. With real witnesses and real people watching a real, physical card drop into a real, physically secure box, where a unique government ID can be provided; thus affirmed that this is a real citizen, who is in fact voting, and voting once, on record - available to the public to witness.

You see, when 100 people at a voting booth see someone try to vote twice, 50 of them notice. The vote gets pulled. Or what happens when someone tries to deposit two cards - one for their deceased great aunt, and one for them. 50 notice. Or when you don’t have a true ID. People notice.

That’s the power of a witness.

There are no 200,000 votes dropping all at once at midnight, because you’re not allowed to cheat. It stops election interference from hackers and dishonest people alike.

So you see, that’s what tyrants have done. It’s the newest form of covert warfare against the liberty of this nation. They’ve managed to convince the nation to remove the element of witness from our voting, thereby granting dishonesty the ability to live and allowing fake votes the chance to survive because no one can actually bear witness to a person voting alone in their home. No matter how many firewalls, or programs, or propagandist messages you clothe it in, online voting is nothing more than an electronic signal coming into a computer. You can only hope that it is coming from a real person; you can’t bear witness to the fact that it is.

This is why we must bring back “witness” to our voting system. It must be done in person, in public, for all to see. It’s the way God intended it. 

I want to submit an additional angle to the 9th commandment: “Bearing False Witness.” Could it be that when we advocate for mail-ins, alone-at-home votes that are so-called “witnessed” by firewalls, programs, and the like, we are bearing false witness?

God always intended for a person to bear the witness. No firewall can take our job. No one but a tyrant would want to destroy the witness of the election. It’s up to us to stop that from happening. If “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants,” then let’s not be surprised if it’s a bit of a fight to keep voting honest.

Let’s stop tyranny. Bring voting back to the “in-person, physical ballot” standard, and like God wrote for Moses on Mount Sinai, you’ll avoid tyrants getting away with literal murder in our nation’s elections by keeping the principle of “2-3 witnesses” —Deuteronomy 19:15-21.


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