Campaign University Graduate is Elected Texas GOP Chair 

Abraham George, a graduate of For Liberty & Justice’s Campaign University was elected to lead the Texas GOP at the State Convention on May 24, 2024. This is a significant victory for those who support solid conservative values in Texas as over 8,000 delegates rallied to vote for George in San Antonio this past week.

I’m so proud to be a part of a church community that STANDS for righteous people running for office!...George ran a campaign off of bringing the party back to God and fighting for Faith, Family & Freedom! Additionally he will be partnering with us to continue launching FL&J chapters in 10 NEW counties this year!
— Nate Schatzline, Founder of For Liberty & Justice

For Liberty & Justice Campaign University helps to train individuals who are called by the Lord to run for public office and has the mission of “Reforming the political realm with the knowledge, practical skills, and spiritual formation to make an impact for the kingdom in government.  

In a time when the Republican Party is faced with enormous pressure from progressives within as well as radicals on the left to abandon traditional values and to conform to ungodly cultural trends in our society, there is a need now more than ever to have godly candidates to run for office. The position for the chair of the Texas GOP is an influential member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) which is the governing body for the party in our state. As George fulfills the elected duties of this office, he will be entrusted with the vital leadership of the SREC’s 64 members as well as to preside over all committee meetings of the Texas GOP. State Chairs also share the important responsibility of serving as a member of Republican National Committee.

According to the Republican Party of Texas website the Texas GOP’s past Legislative Priorities which were determined by the past 88th session (2023-2024) is:

  1. Protect Our Elections

  2. Secure the Border and Protect Texans

  3. Ban Gender Modification of Children

  4. Stop Sexualizing Texas children

  5. Ban Democrat Chairs

  6. Defend Our Gun Rights

To help keep the GOP in Texas on track for supporting these priorities requires uncompromising leadership with integrity and the state chair provides essential oversight to assist in maintaining this course to meet these priorities. 

We celebrate Abraham George and his win for this important position of Texas GOP chair. Therefore, we surround him with our prayers and support as he enters into this season of kingdom influence to uphold Biblical values in the state Republican Party. This comes as an encouragement to many of our FL&J members who worked long hours volunteering their support for Friends & Family candidates during the recent primaries and the runoff elections. It has not been easy as it has required standing against well-funded progressive establishment politicians who dominate the political arena.

Although it is an uphill battle, “the weapons of our warfare are not comprised of flesh and blood but are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds of evil and to destroy the ungodly lies of the evil one” - 2 Corinthians 10:4. We will continue to persevere as we recall the prayer for reformation:

Let Your will be done! If I perish, I perish, but I will make straight the way of the Lord.
— The Prayer of Reformation

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