Dallas County Declares Life!

Liberty bells rang true through the streets of Dallas on Sunday. The band led the way from the back of a pickup trailer as hundreds followed marching in unison behind. The second annual March For Life took place on a bright summer's day as many faithful citizens came together to lift up a cry for "LIFE! LIFE!" to take over the United States and beyond.  

The death of Roe injected hope into the lives of many who had been crying out for unborn souls to be saved for decades. The decisive victory that took place in the courts last summer helped fuel a tangible sense of faith that captured the Dallas crowd on Sunday - a faith that this is just the beginning. Prayers were spoken for 100,000 LGBT souls to be saved, for state and federal laws to change and for reformation to happen in the adoption industry.  

A highlight of the march took place when the movement of the crowd came to a halt in front of the Dallas County Courthouse for a moment of taking communion together. The courthouse where Roe v. Wade started it's legal ascent to the Supreme Court turned out to be a great place for taking communion! Many raised their voices as they could feel the power of Christ's love move through Federal St. while receiving the body and the blood of Jesus. After celebrating the authority that Jesus' blood has over the sins of this world, the party moved on through the main streets of Dallas. 

This March For Life marked a great activation point for those in attendance. The microphone was passed throughout the event as person after person cried out for this event to spark a renewal in faith for believers across the world. Many mental pictures will resonate with those who were in attendance: bright red "JESUS IS KING" flags waving, dancers and singers lining the streets, cowbells rattling and communion cups raised high. These moments are part of a greater movement, the move of heaven on earth that makes wrong things right again.  


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