City of Waco Uses Government Social Media Account to Endorse and Promote Witchcraft

The city of Waco, Texas took to Instagram in a series called #WeAreWaco, where they showcase local businesses under the title “Shop Waco.” In a recent post, small business YOUtopia Essentials was promoted, a tea shop affiliated with a local witch coven. The witch coven, known as Balefire Coven, is under the leadership of one of the co-owners of YOUtopia Essentials. Witchcraft is actively practiced inside of the shop.

Balefire Coven describes themselves on Instagram as a “coven of witches.” For places like New England, where witchcraft is quite common, this might not come as a surprise, but this is happening in Texas, which has been commonly known to be part of the Bible Belt. The fact that this business is so open about their culture of sorcery and witchcraft is concerning enough, but the city of Waco’s Instagram page, which is run by a city employee, and funded by taxpayer dollars, is celebrating, promoting, and encouraging shoppers to solicit this business.

“They are just selling a product, what is the big deal?”

The big deal is that the spirit realm exists. Witchcraft is evil. It creates a very harmful spiritual environment. Knowing that the spirit realm exists, and acknowledging its effects, why would we want to support anyone or any business that promotes witchcraft? 

Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.
— Leviticus 19:31

Waco’s mayor, Dillon Meek, is a Christian who has the power to stop the promotion of this business on the taxpayers’ dime. He has yet to do anything about it. 

Matthew 25:14-30 tells us about the parable of the talents. The lesson in the story is that when God trusts one of his children with a gift or talent, and in this case authority, we have the moral obligation to steward it with conviction. 

In this case, Mayor Meek seems to be neglecting the responsibility of the power he has been entrusted with and abdicating his duty. At the very least, Mayor Meek should be prohibiting the city’s use of social media and tax dollars to promote a witch coven, which is harmful to the wellbeing of the community.

For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king.
— 1 Samuel 15:23

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