No More Apathy! The Christians’ Call to Transform Civil Government!
For decades the church has been convinced that there is no responsibility to be involved in politics. This complacency in the church is not new. In the early 19th century during the second great awakening, a time when Christians seemed not to care about what happened in American politics, Reverend Charles Finney gave a lecture and firmly stated to the church:
God is not only for peace and order…He is peace and order.
These are characteristics of His kingdom. From this order, civil government has been instituted among men, which is expressed in America’s Declaration of Independence. Moses, as directed by God, established one of the very first detailed structures of civil government. The book of Deuteronomy says:
As Christians we have a duty to steward civility and peace in society. This does not mean we force others to believe in God as we do, through civil law. But the church has specifically been tasked with the duty of stewarding God’s creation with excellence, and that includes civil government. Noah Webster wrote:
Good men, largely through Christianity, have historically brought order to nations under tyranny and chaos. It is up to the church in America to step up and recognize that the body of Christ has been tasked with the responsibility of establishing order through civil government. Christians must reject the lie that religion and politics are mutually exclusive—they are anything but that! Politics without Holy Spirit-led leaders always results in despotism. As Reverend Finney said: